Base Metal AerOpak®



Our standard mineral insulated (MI) thermocouple cable starts with fully annealed and cleaned tubing, high-purity (99.4% minimum) MgO insulation material and thermocouple wire that meet per ASTM E-230 Special Limits of Error and as manufactured per ASTM E-585.  In the ARi production process, precise dimensionality and uniform insulation maintained throughout the multiple reduction drawing and annealing process, assuring the end product integrity.  All commercially available thermocouple, conductor and heater wire materials are offered as standards from ARi.

The Quality Standard:

  • Useable under sever conditions that can destroy other types of thermocouple cable.
  • Withstands temperatures up to metal melting points.
  • Withstands corrosive conditions that are limited only by the choice of the outer sheath material.
  • Can be formed around a solid mandrel that is twice the sheath diameter without loss of integrity.  Can be welded, brazed or soldered to the other metals when proper techniques are used.
  • Standardized and shipped from ARi stock.



How To Order:

1. Specify by description.
Example: 1/16 inch Inconel 600 Sheath, Type K mineral insulated cable.

2. Specify by part number.
The part number is defined per the following:
062 - 2N - BKS

MI Base Metal Cable

062 - 2 N - B K S
(1)   (2) (3)   (4) (5) (6)

(1)  Sheath Diameter = 0.062 inch O.D.
(2)  Number of Conductors = 2 wires
(3)  Insulation/Purity
        N = MgO / 99.4% Min Purity
        M = MgO / 98.0% Min Purity
(4)  Sheath Material = Inconel 600
(5)  Wire Material = Calibration K
(6)  Calibration Accuracy
        S = Special Limits of Error, Class 1


3. Specify total quantity. If cut lengths are required, specify length of each piece. Accuracy of a cut is +/- 1/2% of the length or +/- 1/2 inch (12.7mm), which ever is larger.

4. Sizes up to 0.375 inch (9.53mm) can be shipped UPS or FedEx.

5. Shipping tolerance for random lengths is +15% / -10% unless specified otherwise.

6. Standard shipping coil sizes and weight:

Shipping Coil Sizes And Weight

Sheath O.D. Coil O.D. Approximate Weight at 100 ft (30.48 meters)
inch mm inch mm lbs kg
0.020 0.5 20-22 508-559 0.2 0.09
0.040 1.0 0.3 0.14
0.062 1.6 30 762 0.9 0.41
0.120 3.0 2.5 1.13
0.125 3.2 3.3 1.50
0.188 4.8 7.0 3.18
0.236 6.0 42 1067 10.8 4.90
0.250 6.4 12.3 5.58
0.313 8.0 19.5 8.85
0.375 9.5 27.0 12.25
0.500 12.7 42-48 1067-1220 50.0 22.68
0.625 15.9 Shipped straight , 20 ft maximum lengths Shipped straight , 6.1 meters maximum lengths 75.0 34.02
0.750 19.0 112.5 51.03




Standard Sheath Material

Sheath Material ARi Symbol Melting Temperature Maximum Temperature In Air
AISI 304 ST/ST A 2550 1400 1650 900
AISI 310 ST/ST D 2550 1400 2000 1090
AISI 316 ST/ST C 2500 1370 1650 900
AISI 347 ST/ST F 2550 1400 1650 900
AISI 446 ST/ST AG 2600 1430 2000 1090
INCONEL 600 B* 2470 1350 2000 1090
HASTELLOY X V 2300 1260 2200 1200

  *Not recommended for use in sulfur atmosphere.


Standard Sheath Diameters

Description Unit Of Measurement ARi Symbol
Sheath Diameter inches 0.020 0.040 0.062 0.125 0.188 0.250 0.313 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750
mm 0.50 1.00 1.67 3.17 4.75 6.35 8.00 9.52 12.70 15.90 19.10
Wire Diameter inches 0.004 0.006 0.010 0.020 0.032 0.040 0.051 0.064 0.091 0.114 0.120
mm 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.85 1.00 1.45 1.63 2.31 2.90 3.05
Maximum Length feet 30 200 290 290 135 81 45 30 30 20 13
meters 9 61 88 88 41 25 14 9 9.1 6.1 4.0


Wire Calibration (Special Limits Of Error)

Calibration Type ARi Symbol ASTM E-230 Symbol
Chromel P-Alumel KS K
Iron-Constantan JS J
Chromel P-Constantan ES E
Copper-Constantan TS T
Nicrosil-Nisil NS N


Please contact us for further information or any special requirements you may have.

Standard AerOpak® Mineral Insulated Cable is normally available from our inventory for immediate shipment. Call or email for details!

We want to hear from you:

800-237-6725 (Toll Free)

630-953-9100 (Phone)

630-953-0590 (Fax)

[email protected]